
Susan Voyticky

Aerial Artist

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Thank you

Thank you to our dedicated Roustabouts (Donors & Volunteers) who made this exhibition possible.

Michael Turo

Boardwalk Follies Stage Crew

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The UNCLE JUNIOR PROJECT is a community driven digital exhibit dedicated to celebrating and sharing the inspiring stories of African American circus performers.

This exhibit was made possible by our Roustabouts. This is our community of passionate and named after the title given to people who would set up and tear down circus tents.


If you’d like to help us continue preserving and celebrating the history of black circus performers, please consider donating below.


Become a monthly supporter:

Make a single gift:


All donations are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsorship with Fractured Atlas.

I suppose I hang on things for a living…

I hang on things very beautifully for a living.

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I specialize in the circeau– which is French for circle.


I like the shapes I can make with the hoop
and the shapes it can make with me.

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As I child I had two visions for my life.

One was a doctor

the other was a performer


At 18, I realized that I couldn’t live without performing.

But I was still holding onto the idea that I needed to become a doctor, I needed to become respectable.

I held onto that path for a long time.

And it became harder and harder to continue.

So I made a complete break.


At 21, Susan stopped pursuing her PhD in genetics.

She moved to France to study
Cirque Nouveau, or Circus Theater.

It was difficult for my family to accept.

They thought I was going through a phase.


My mother asked me if I was crazy.

It was hurtful, but I know it was just hard for her to relate to what I was doing.


I told my parents I was studying
Physical Theater.

They just didn’t know how physical it really was.


A few years past…
and they’re pretty happy that I’m happy.

It’s so amazing with the circus… what’s happening is something extraordinary…

Despite the pain, despite the sadness, despite anything that’s happened in your life.

There’s always a moment where you can arise and become a better human being.

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That moment when you’re on stage, and the lights come up, and all eyes are on you.



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Crossed Stars

I’m trying as hard as I can to

give a gift of myself to other people.

I that hope inspires them
and makes their lives better.


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